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We’ve got some seriously exciting news!

In the very near future, integrating your online store with your traditional store on a live basis will be possible.  Yes yes, we know it’s already possible, but we mean it’s going to be possible for EVERYONE!   Well, by everyone we mean those of you smart enough to be using Saasu cloud accounting.  Don’t worry, it’s easy to change if your not using it yet.

Let us explain…

Having built numerous Magento online stores for existing businesses, we couldn’t help but notice that the number one problem everyone seems to have is the integration of inventory across the shop floor and the online store.  The number two issue being double entry of sales invoices (having to manually enter online sales into their accounting system).  The second issue is fixed easily, and we’ve actually discussed it before here.  The first issue however is not an easy or cheap fix…that is until now.

Enter X-Tend POS.  Conceived and developed by our very own team, X-Tend POS is a cloud point of sale system for Saasu users.  Utilising API’s, X-Tend POS talks to Saasu on a live basis, sharing contacts, products, sales and sales payments.  Let’s just stress the LIVE BASIS bit for a second…because if you have already fixed problem number two, then we’ve just fixed problem number one for you.

That’s right, X-Tend POS will allow your shop floor to sell like crazy, anywhere they like (yes it’s cloud based and is mobile/tablet friendly), and all inventory changes are updated live in Saasu…meaning your online store inventory was just updated too!  No more running two inventories, or maybe just running one and hoping you never forget to update your online store everytime you sell something in the shop (not possible in a remotely busy store…trust us).

Gone are the days of spending $60k on systems integration…believe it or not, it’s possible for around $100 a month, and that includes your Saasu accounting subscription!


We are looking for new users, so if you’re interested, hit us up and we’ll have a chat to see if you are a suitable fit for testing purposes before our full launch!

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